Resource Library
We are busy gathering information for this area of the BikeAbout site. If you have seen a Web site that you think BikeAbout participants would be interested in, please send the URL to We'll review the site and consider adding it to our resource library.
Country Pages
Choose a country or territory:
General Information
- Infonation: UN member country statistical data
- United Nations Cartographic Section: UN-prepared maps, including general, peacekeeping, and other maps, organized by country, region, or UN mission. [also available in French]
- USAToday Weather for Europe, Middle East and North Africa: Precipitation,
- The WeatherLab(TM) Current Condition Map
- METEOSAT Images from The University of Nottingham
- World Heritage List [Index] [French]
- World Heritage Cities [Index] [French]
- World Time Zones
- Timezone Converter
- 1-Click Currency Conversion
- Alta Vista Translation Service
- travlang's Translating Dictionaries
- Eric Idles' witty documentary "Around the World in 80 Days"
- The Carthage Charter for Tolerance (Excerpts)
- Food and Culture: An Introduction to BikeAbout Rider Anthony's Project
- RomanSites
- Interactive Ancient Mediterranean
Meet the BikeAbout Riders
andrEa Siegl
Anthony Ziehmke
Corinne Whitney
Ethan Gelber
Padraic Kennedy
Cycling Resources
- General Cycling Sites on the 'Net
- Cycling E-zines
- Cycling Discussion Groups
- Other Cycling Expeditions
- International Cycling Organizations
- Bicycle Safety
- Mediterranean Cycling Organizations
- Europe, Albania, Bosnia, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy
- Slovenia, Spain, Yugoslavia (Montenegro),
- Middle East, Cyprus, Israel, Syria, Turkey
- Africa, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia
- United States Cycling Organizations
- About Bicycle Saddles
- Bike Seat Theories
- More Bike Seat Theories
- About Frame Sizes & Frame Measurements.
Resources for Educators
- Technology in Education--A BikeAbout Resource Index (includes links to online projects and curricula)

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