About Palestine
Note: The opinions expressed in these sites do not necessarily reflect the opinions of BikeAbout. If you have seen a Web site that you think BikeAbout participants would be interested in, please send the URL to links@bikeabout.org. We'll review the site and consider adding it to our resource library.
- Palestine, Home of History
- A comprehensive, well-written site. Topics include history, current issues, and biography. Available in Arabic.
- Al Bawaba: The Middle East Gateway
- A comprehensive Middle Eastern portal. Provides information on the Middle
Eastern economy and business sectors, along with politics, tourism,
culture, legal issues, health, entertainment and sports. News items,
in-depth reports and analysis on all these topics are undertaken
daily. Includes a keyword search facility. Available in English and Arabic.
- palestine.on.line
- "Your digital gateway to business, culture, & art in Palestine."
- Alternative Tourism Group of Beit Sahour (ATG)
- ATG connects visitors to the Holy Land with local families during their stay and is also in the process of rehabilitating several buildings to make community hotels for visitors.
- Applied Research Institute Jerusalem
- Statistics, publications, and reports on land usage in Palestine.
- Christian Peacemaker Team (CPT)
- CPT is an organization devoted to negotiation, protection of human rights, public witness, and nonviolent action.
- Destination: Israel and the Palestinian Territories
- Historical overview, maps, travel facts, culture, environment, attractions. The "Off the Beaten Track" feature is especially interesting. Brought to you be Lonely Planet.
- The Ramallah Online Travel Guide
- A tourism and travel guide for the area around Ramallah, north of Jerusalem. Includes information about history and daily life in the area.
- Palestinian Links
- [Click on "My Links" button] A collection of Web sites about and for Palestine, collected by our friends at the Alternative Tourism Group of Beit Sahour (ATG).
- Pictures from the Holy Land
- Pictures of Jerusalem's historic sites.
- Rapprochement Centre, Beit Sahour
- Learn about the activities, objectives, and history of the Rapprochement Centre in Beit Sahour. Meet the members of the centre and establish e-mail connections with them.
- UN Information System on the Question of Palestine
- United Nations documents and maps concerning Palestine, from 1922 to the present. Documents are listed by date, title, subject, and source.
Internet access while in Palestine was provided by PalNet.

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