My Life As An IJ
MY LIFE AS AN IJ is a running personal commentary and observational journal by Corinne Whitney during BikeAbout-the Mediterranean. In this and other postings -- past and future -- you can expect healthy portions of sarcasm, all sorts of pointless ponderings, and some good old-fashioned soul searching to be revealed during these, my ever-sacred spare moments I'm sharing with you, our faithful readers. -- Corinne
- This evening
- somewhere
- on a Hebron
- mini-mountain,
- a sad grrl
- was seen
- pushing her bike
- up the hill.
- Muddy shoes
- and short legs
- taking firm strides,
- her hands
- guide the bike
- to an unknown
- destination.
- A helmet sits
- loose and unfastened
- atop wet hair,
- sending the chill
- of the mountains,
- the misting,
- falling clouds,
- and winter humidity
- in cold streaks
- down
- a sweat-soaked
- jersey.
- Downcast eyes
- melt
- the salt
- on a wet face,
- reddened with rage,
- humiliation, and
- surrender to fatigue.
- The first
- evening star
- taps her shoulder,
- reaching over
- remaining yellows
- of a past sunset,
- suggesting
- it's time
- to put on the bike lights.
- An impossible orb
- peeks from behind
- the closest ridge
- with a
- laughing brightness
- at the darkened
- sky,
- posing for a
- constant companion
- delighted
- to stop
- for photographs.
- The frigid air
- hosts
- a visible conversation,
- breath creating
- steam
- that analyzes
- the climb ahead.
- She faces
- the silhouette
- shadows,
- watching scattered
- pairs of headlights
- descending in
- switchback
- patterns
- from the
- very
- top.
- It's dark
- and very cold,
- well outside the city.
- No assurances
- exist
- for a warm bed
- or shelter of any kind.
- A frozen thumb
- warms itself
- in the palm of
- a fingerless glove;
- deciding.
- This is all wrong.
- "It's not that steep,
- and
- we haven't been
- on the road
- that long.
- This is
- all wrong."
- Denial.
- Defeat.
- Damn it.
- "I hate this."
- A car
- pulls over.

Copyright 1997-2004 BikeAbout. All rights reserved.
* Rider Cartoons by J.R. Lara. Used by permission.