topics: rail travel, tourism; jump to dispatch
BikeAbout Log
At 6:00 PM
October 12–16, 1997
Sunrise (local): not recorded Sunset (local): not recorded | Weather 55°F   |
Traveled Since Oct. 11 869 mi / 1400 km (by boat and train) Cumulative (bike only) 499 mi / 803 km | Lat: 43° 17' 38" N Lon: 05° 23' 01" E Elev: 164 ft / 50 m |
[Webmaster's note: This dispatch covers the travel days from October 12 to October 16. The Food of the Day and almanac data refer to October 16. The riders visited Malaga, Spain, on October 12.]
Fast Facts
- Where We Are: Marseille, France
- Where We're Staying: Hotel Manon
- Places We Visited: Travel days — Malaga, Barcelona, Cerbère, Perpignan, Nîmes, Marseille
- Featured Site: Malaga, Spain
- Person of the Day: Eddie
- What We Ate:
- Food of the Day: sandwich grec (Greek sandwich)
- Breakfast: pastries
- Lunch: sandwichs grec
- Dinner: humus, baba ganouj, tabouleh, salad, steamed vegetables, and a filet of fish served with a delightful cream sauce
- Olive Count: 401
- Word of the Day: Bonjour
means "Hello" in French.
- Tech Fact of the Day: During our recent travels, we crossed back into France from Spain. At the border, we had to change trains because in Spain, some of the rail lines are wider than those in France. That is, the two metal rails that the trains ride on are spaced a little wider apart than in France (and the rest of Europe). The gauge (width of the individual rails) is narrower though. All this confusion means that you must change trains at the border. Sometimes (especially on overnight trains), instead of forcing all passengers to change trains, the train operators lift up each train car and change the wheels on the train while everyone sleeps!
- Flat Count: 2
- Broken Spoke Count: 7 (again, all on Anthony's back wheel)
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Next Stop: Tunis!
[Click here for more from France!]
[Click here for more from Spain!]
Internet access and Web hosting while in France were provided by I-Link.

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