
BikeAbout depends on the generous support of businesses, organizations, and individuals who believe in the BikeAbout mission. The entities listed here offered their time to our effort. We thank them.
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Participating Organizations
Alliance for a Responsible and United World
The Alliance has issued a call to overcome the feeling of helplessness produced by the crises humankind is facing, and has taken up the challenge of building a common future, where we live in peace in a world of diversity.
- UNESCO World Heritage Centre

The UNESCO World Heritage Centre's primary mission is to define and conserve the world's heritage by drawing up a list of sites whose outstanding values should be preserved for all humanity and to ensure their protection through a closer co-operation among nations. These cultural and natural sites constitute a common heritage to be treasured as unique testimonies to an enduring past, and important to our survival and enjoyment in the future. [For more information, please read our press release.] |
Organization of World Heritage Cities
The Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), currently composed of 134 cities, was created to assist member cities adapt and improve their management methods in relation to the specific requirements of having a site inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. [For more information, please read our press release.]
I*EARN (International Education and Resource Network) links young people worldwide to enable them to collaborate on projects that make a meaningful difference in the quality of life on the planet. I*EARN has encouraged its schools along the bike route to participate in this project and has created an on-line Conference (newsgroup) to enable those without WWW access to participate in this project. For information, send e-mail to: iearn@iearn.org.
GEWI-LAB, K.F.-Uni Graz

- Dia - Initiatives and Dialogue
B.P. 170
- 13474 Marseilles Cedex 02
- France
- Tel: +33 4 91 90 78 00
- E-mail: dia@diwan.net
- Cyprus:
- CyberNet Café
- Elefterias, 79
- Limassol
- Cyprus
- Tel: ++357 -5 -74 50 93
- Fax: ++357 -5 -74 51 89
- E-mail : cafeinfo@zenon.logos.cy.net
- thanks to Makis Charalambous!
- theatro cyber café
- 15A Vasiliou Voulgaroctonou
- Nicosia
- Cyprus
- Tel: ++357 -2 -477 174
- E-mail : theatro@Cyber-café.spidernet.com.cy
- Internet Café
- 17a Limassol Avenue
- Nicosia
- Cyprus
- Tel: ++357 -2 -33 99 36
- thanks to Yiannos & Leonidas!
- Egypt:
- 1 Dr Ali Ibrahim Ramez St
- Heliopolis
- Cairo
- Egypt
- Tel: (202) 244 3918
- El Nasra Ex-English Secondary School for Girls
- attn. Ms Nehal Zaher, English teacher
- 32, Abou Bakr El Saddiq St.
- Heliopolis
- Cairo
- Egypt
- Greece:
- Hailander Cafeteria
- Th. Sofouli & Gramou
- GR 85100 Rhodes
- Greece
- Tel: ++30 -241 -36201
- E-mail: café@hailander.gr
- http://www.hailander.gr/icglist/greek.htm
- thanks to Nikos Papatheodorakis!
- Morocco:
- Assocation Marocaine d'Echange Mutidisciplinaire pour l'Environnement et le Dveloppement (Moroccan Multidisciplinary Exchange Association for the Environment and Development) (AMED)
- Mr. Driss Merzaby, Secretary-General
- B.P. 7813
- Rabat-Dar Al Hadith, Morocco
- Tel: +212 7 69.03.98 (Mr. Driss Merzaby)
- Fax 1: +212 7 77.51.95 (IAV / Chez Mr. Abdellah Herzenni)
- Fax 2: +212 7 77.40.03 (DF / Attention: Mr. Mohammed Fezzazz)
- Maison de Jeune - Tanger
- Mr. Hassan Hajoub, Director
- Avenue Hassan II, No. 1
- Tangier, Morocco
- Association Fadaat
- Mr. Jamal Noureddine Bouznakar
- Tangier, Morocco
- Tel: +212 9 34.03.70
- Fax: +212 9 34.03.72
- Association Espaces pour le Developpement et la Culture
- Mr. Said El Farissi, Vice President
- ZK. 15, No. 8 Souami
- Tangier, Morocco
- Tel: +212 9 36.02.00
- Fax: +212 9 33.55.60
- Pigier
- Mr. Said El Hammouti, Directeur-Concessionnaire
- 62, Boulevard Mohammed V
- Al Hoceima, Morocco
- Tel: +212 9 98.05.70
- Computer Club of Al Hoceima
- 46, rue Tetouan
- Al Hoceima, Morocco
- Tel: +212 9 98.09.79
- E-mail: mania@open.net.ma
- Institut Nekor-bit
- Informatique de Gestion
- Mr. Khalid El Bachrioui, Directeur-Entreprenant
- 69, rue Salah Eddine El Ayoubi
- Al Hoceima, Morocco
- AZ Micro (Computer/Internet Center)
- Mr. Abbou Said, Director
- 25, rue Chouhada, Apt. 2
- Berkane, Morocco
- Tel/Fax: +212 6 61 86 33
- E-mail: AZMICRO@techno.net.ma
- English Resource Center
- Mr. Mohammed Allal, Coordinator
- Mr. Najib Bachiri
- 80 Route de Madagh
- Hay Safaa
- Berkane 60300
- Morocco
- E-mail: AZMICRO@techno.net.ma, Subject: Attention Mr. Allal
- Palestine (Gaza):
- DIA/Diwan el Shabab
Center for Initiatives and Dialogue
- Emanuel Delpuech and Emad Ahmad, Co-coordinators
- El Nassr Street
- Gaza City
- Tel/Fax: +972 7 865.621
- E-mail: diagaza@palnet.com
- Diwan el Shabab is the Center for Initiatives and Dialogue opened in Palestine by Dia in January of 1997. DIA is a French NGO that works with Mediterranean youth in the "citizenship" field.
- The Palestinian Authority, Ministry of Youth and Sport
- Dr. Ahmad Yaziji, Deputy Minister
- Tel: +972 7 826.668
- Fax: +972 7 822.736
- Modern Electric Company (MECo.)
Muneeb T. Abu-Ghazaleh, General Manager
- 167 Abu-Ghazaleh Building
- P.O. Box 1163
- Gaza, Palestine
- Tel: +972 7 821.209
- Fax: +972 7 827.650
- E-mail: meco@palnet.com
- MECo. is an authorized Compaq Dealer and represents PalNet in Gaza. Special thanks also to: Samer, Mohamed, Ashraf and others at MECo. who were invaluable in their help.
- PC-World Corporation
El Nasr and Wihda Crosspoint
- Gaza City, Palestine
- Tel/Fax: +972 7 824.229
- E-mail: pc-world@rannet.com
- Pizza Land
Att: Samir H. Saqqa
- Remal El-Jundi El-Majhul Park
- Gaza, Palestine
- Tel: +972 7 863.426
- Shbalbeek
- Adwaa (graphic design and print shop)
Att: Mr. Emad Eshargawi
- El Nasr St, beside PECDAR
- Gaza City, Palestine
- Tel/Fax: +972 7 823.564
- E-mail : adwaa@palnet.com
- Alhyat Aljadedah ("New Life" newspaper)
- Khaled Abdallah, Cultural Editor
- Hider Abdelshafi Square
- Seaside, Gaza City
- Tel: +972 7 824.364
- Fax: +972 7 824.374
- United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
- Lynn Failing, Head, Public Information Office
- UNRWA Headquarters
- P.O. Box 371
- Gaza City
- Tel: +972 7 677.7526
- Fax: +972 7 669.1167
- Palestinian Model Parliament - Women and Law
- Att: Ms. Nahed Abu Ta'imah
- Near Ministry of Information
- Gaza City, Palestine
- Tel/Fax: +972 7 862.475
- Khan Younis College of Education
- Main Street
- Khan Younis, Gaza Strip
- Khan Younis Services Center
- Youth Sports Club
- Al Baher St
- Khan Younis, Gaza Strip
- Al Azhar University
- Gaza City, Palestine
- Ithad Shabab Al Istiqlal
- (Independent Youth Union - Jabalia)
- Jabalia Camp
- Gaza Strip
- Shatti Camp Services Center
- Youth Sport Club!
- Shatti Camp
- Gaza Strip
- Palestine (West Bank):
- Christian Peacemaker Teams (Hebron)
- E-mail: cpt@igc.org
- Alternative Tourism Group
- P.O. Box 173
- Beit Sahour
- West Bank, Via Israel
- Tel: +972 2 277-2151
- Fax: +972 2 277-4143
- E-mail: atg@p-ol.com
- Palestinian Centre for Rapprochement Between People
- P.O. Box 24
- Church Street
- Beit Sahour
- Fax: +972 2 277.2018
- E-mail: pcr@p-ol.com
- Tunisia:
- Federation Tunisienne Sport pour Tous
- Mr. Belhassan Lassoued, President
- Directeur de la Cooperation Internationale
- Ministere de la Jeunesse et de l'Enfance
- Tunis
- Tel: +216 1 846.054
- Fax: +216 1 844.097
- Association Sauvegarde de la Medina de Tunis
- 24, rue du Tribunal
- 1006 Tunis
- Tel: +216 1 56.36.18
- Fax: +216 1 56.09.65
- Agence Nationale de Mise en Valeur et d'Exploitation du Patrimoine Archeologique et Historique
- 20, rue 8010
- Montplaisir 1002 Tuni-Belvedere
- Tel: +216 1 782.264
- Agence Tunisienne de Communication Exterieure
- 3 rue Jean-Jaures
- Tunis
- Tel: +216 1 345-866
- Centre of Arab and Mediterranean Music
- "Ennejma Ezzahra"
- Baron d'Erlanger Palace
- 8, rue du 2 Mars 1934
- 2026 Sidi Bou Said
- Tel: +216 1 746.051
- Fax: +216 1 746.490
- Maison des Jeunes - Hammamet
- Att: Mr. Habib Mejdouba, Director
- Avenue Assad Ibn El Fourat
- 8050 Hammamet
- Tel: +216 2 280.440
- Fax: +216 2 278.960
- Maison des Jeunes - Sousse
- Att: Mr. Tarchouni Ridha, Director
- Boulevard Taieb Mheri
- 4000 Sousse
- Tel: +216 3 227.548
- Fax: +216 3 226.620
- Maison des Jeunes - Kairouan
- Att: Mr. Noureddine Yahyaoui, Director
- Rue Fes
- 3100 Kairouan
- Tel: +216 7 228.239
- Centre des Stages et des Vacances - Gabes
- Att: Mr. Ali Nasfi, Director
- Rue de l'Oasis
- 6000 Gabes
- Tel: +216 5 270.271
- Fax: +216 5 275.035
United States
- The Educational Alliance

- Servas is an international network of hosts and travelers building peace and understanding by providing opportunities for personal contact between people of diverse cultures and backgrounds.
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