
Internet Access Providers
BikeAbout depends on the generous support of businesses, organizations, and individuals who believe in the BikeAbout mission. The entities listed here offered their services to our effort. We thank them.
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- United States:
- BikeAbout's primary access and hosting partner during the trip.
- Albania:
- Croatia:
- Egypt:
- France:
- Greece:
- Israel:
- Italy:
provides Internet access throughout Italy.
provides Internet access in the Trieste region and hosting for the Italian version of the BikeAbout Web site.
- Lebanon:
- Morocco:
- Palestine:
(PalNet's representative in Gaza) Modern Electronic Company (MECo.), P.O. Box 1163, Gaza, Palestine, tel: 972-7-821209, fax 972-7-827650, meco@palnet.com
- Slovenia:
- Spain:
- Turkey:
- Yugoslavia:
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