Padraic's Packing List
as of October 7, 1997
- Personal Clothes
2 t-shirts
2 knit shirts
2 pairs of shorts
1 pair of pants
1 fleece shirt
1 rain jacket
4 pair of underwear
1 hat
1 pair tennis shoes
- Cycling Clothes
3 bicycle jerseys
1 bicycling under-jersey
3 pair of bicycling shorts
1 pair of bicycling tights
1 pair bike gloves
2 pair of cycling socks
1 pair cycling shoes
- Personal Stuff
Business cards
1 book (Framley Parsonage by Anthony Trollope)
Address book
Credit cards and Identification
Prescription sunglasses
Servas membership sheet
- Toothbrush, toothpaste, & floss
- 4 small bars of soap (extra bars keep clothes smelling fresh)
- Shampoo
- Razor and extra blades
- Shaving cream
1 towel
- Bike Stuff
1 Helmet
1 Tire pump
2 water bottles
1 Kryptonite U-Lock
3 rags
1 bungee cord
Tool Kit:
- 1 spoke wrench
- 1 chain tool
- 1 Gerber Cool tool
- 1 Gerber Multi-tool
- 1 Leatherman micra-tool
- 1 Spare nuts and bolts
1 roll electrical tape
extra spokes
1 Chainring (32 tooth)
1 crankarm (left side)
spare B.O.B. pivot bolt
1 spare tire
2 spare tubes
1 folding tire
2 puncture repair kits
3 tire irons
spare cables
- BikeAbout Stuff
Various papers
Casio digital camera
Casio digital camera software and manuals
- Want to know what the other riders are carrying?
andrEa's Packing List
Anthony's Packing List
Corinne's Packing List
Ethan's Packing List
Stuff in each of the B.O.B. Trailers

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