topics: mana-eesh (food), social life, Lebanese civil war, Palestinian refugees, history, recreation; jump to dispatch
BikeAbout Log
At 6:00 PM
January 31–February 1, 1998
Sunrise (local): 6:36 a.m. Sunset (local): 5:07 p.m. | Weather 68°F  |
Traveled Since Jan. 30 0 mi / 0 km Cumulative (all groups) 2046 mi / 3294 km | Lat: 33° 53' 29" N Lon: 35° 29' 03" E Elev: 279 ft / 85 m |
[Webmaster's note: This dispatch covers the days from January 31 to February 1. The almanac data refers to February 1.]
Fast Facts
- Where We Are: Beirut
- Where We're Staying: Leila's Apartment in Hamra
- Places We Visited: Beirut by car, Sporting Club, Corniche, Casablanca
- Featured Site: Beirut Corniche
- Person of the Day: Janine Moussa
- What We Ate:
- Food of the Day: mana-eesh
- Breakfast: mana-eesh
- Lunch: fried chicken
- Dinner: falafel, salad
- Olive Count: 1530
- Word of the Day: Keefuk? and keefik?
mean "How are you?" in Lebanese Arabic; mnih and mniha
mean "I'm fine." Click here for more about these words!
- Tech Fact of the Day: As in several other countries, practically any transaction in Beirut can be paid for in either U.S. dollars or local currency. Restaurant bills are calculated in both, and people often pay in dollars and receive change in Lebanese pounds, or vice versa. During the Civil War and the slow process of rebuilding, the Lebanese have preferred to rely on the safer and more stable dollar than on their own currency. And though the Lebanese currency is now fairly reliable, people still conduct much of their business in dollars.
- Flat Count (Cumulative): 12
- Broken Spoke Count (Cumulative): 28
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Next Stop: We're staying in Beirut!
Meanwhile, Corinne and andrEa are still relaxing in the company of their new friends in Paphos, Cyprus.
Internet access while in Lebanon was provided by Nethopper.

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